Lindsey Risker | Business Support Manager | Anabas
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Success Stories with:

Lindsey Risker

Lindsey Risker started her career in FM at 17 as an admin assistant at an army barracks in Catterick Garrison. After several years here, an opportunity to join Anabas piqued her interest and she’s not looked back. Tackling this new challenge head on, Anabas introduced Lindsey to the more glamourous side to facilities management, with corporate office spaces and buildings presenting a more social aspect to the industry.

Tell us about your journey within the company?


I joined Anabas as a help desk coordinator back in 2013, where I was introduced to another side of Facilities Management not just M&E (mechanical and electrical) like my previous role, I was also able to find my feet and be comfortable in the role. When a help desk team leader role popped up, I wasn’t necessarily going to put myself forward, but my colleagues encouraged me to apply. I am a naturally organised person and working with like-minded people was extremely fulfilling. Leading the help desk team gave me a great opportunity to grow and build my skillset and I really enjoyed the role and responsibilities.


I then went onto progress to business support manager in 2019, and it’s been great. I love being involved with other departments and new contracts, and generally learning about other sides of the business. Even better, the role itself continues to develop daily.


What steps has your development taken, and how has Anabas supported you in this?


The support I’ve received from my line manager, Johnpaul, has been great. His guidance and the available training has helped build my skillset and keep me developing and growing. For example, I’ve achieved my IOSH certification and legionella training, which isn’t typical for help desk workers, but as I started working with more engineering-related tasks, it was necessary for my development.


Anabas’s team culture has been a huge support in my development. We support each other every day in whatever we’re doing, and I appreciate how the ‘one team’ approach has led to smooth development of skills for everyone in our roles.


What do you love most about working at Anabas?


I love the people. My working relationships help me to do my job better every day and benefit my whole team. Across the business, everyone supports each other, not because we must, but because we have genuine care for each other.



How have you grown as a person during your career development and how has this influenced your role?


After my maternity leave, I was so happy to have my family but I also realised how much my career means to me and I wanted to keep growing. Anabas has been the best environment for me to bloom. Our culture and family environment really makes you want to work hard, not just for yourself but for the good of the business too.


You are a very lucky person if you can say you like going to work, and that Monday mornings don’t fill you with dread, and I am one of those lucky few. My last job didn’t give me that feeling, but at Anabas I’m supported to succeed and I’m continuously offered exciting and challenging work.


Can you give us an example of a time where you feel you went above and beyond your role at Anabas?


At our client sites, the support the help desks provide is about making ‘going above and beyond’ the norm. When contracts go live, we make sure we are ready from day one. In some contracts, this has meant visiting the client site on a Sunday to ensure its prepared and ready to go for the next day. We make sure there won’t be any hiccups so we can start delivering the best service from the very beginning.


Would you recommend Anabas as an employer to family/friends? And if so, why?


Yes – I actually have! A friend was looking for a job and I suggested a position in the mobilisation team. She’s joined the team and loves it!


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