World FM Day 2021 - ANABAS
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Spotless offices. Fully functioning A/V equipment. Regular security checks. Our Brilliant Basics programme is all about getting the simple things right first time.
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In your workplace, it is very often the Facilities Management team who create memorable experiences for your customers, employees or visitors. Whether it’s welcoming them at the door, fixing a problem or being on-hand to help, you’ll want a Facilities Management team that leaves people feeling valued and supported.
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Our people are the face of our business. They’re also the people front of house or behind the scenes who make our clients’ workplaces fantastic spaces to work or visit.
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World FM Day 2021

May 12, 2021

This couldn’t be a more pertinent time to celebrate FM. The last 14 months have certainly had its share of challenges. Challenges that we could never have imagined. But there has also been opportunity. Opportunity to step back, reflect, unite, and do things better. In some ways the pandemic has been an intense training course to redirect and improve the industry we all know and love. This is perhaps a positive outcome of the pandemic and now we can move forwards with reimagining the future of FM and the workplace.

The world of FM has certainly been thrust into the spotlight and so has our workforce. Today we must pause and pay special thanks to our frontline workers who are the ones that have stood tall and carried us throughout the pandemic.

I personally want to thank all of Anabas’ frontline workers who have continued going into the workplace and provided constant service levels to our clients throughout the pandemic. Not only have they had their own worries about the pandemic, but they have also encountered varying alterations to their shifts and changes in responsibilities within their roles, all often without a full team to support them. 

Our frontline workers are the heroes of our industry. They have continued delivering world-class standards of service while most people remained in the safety of their own homes. These are the very people who are at the face of the return-to-work landscape and will be safely welcoming people back to their pre-March 2020 working environments.

I am so proud of the entire #AnabasFamily. World FM Day really is about each and every one of you this year.

Alistair Craig, Managing Director, Anabas

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