Anabas awarded new FM contract with Mitsubishi Corporation International Plc
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Anabas awarded new FM contract with Mitsubishi Corporation International (Europe) Plc

November 6, 2019

Mitsubishi Corporation International (Europe) Plc (MCIE) has named Anabas, as its new Soft & Hard FM Services provider.

The announcement follows the award of a contract that will see Anabas supplying Front of House, Cleaning and M&E Maintenance services at MCIE’s office in Mid-City Place in Holborn.

Ken Watson, General Manager of Workplace Management at MCIE commented:

“Anabas’ support in helping us to provide and maintain a high performing workspace ensures we continue to provide an excellent level of service to our clients and create a great workplace for our people.”

Alistair Craig, Managing Director of Anabas commented:

 “We are delighted to have been awarded this prestigious contract. We’re looking forward to working in partnership and delivering an outstanding service to the staff and clients of Mitsubishi.”

This contract win follows other recent wins for Anabas including a leading Middle Eastern bank and a serviced office provider in Whitechapel.

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